Sasquatch is a part of the American fabric. For decades, people have collected video, photo and physical evidence of this hominids existence. In the 70’s, Ron Morehead and Al Berry captured something no one else has: Sasquatch’s voice. These recordings, now known as the Sierra Sounds, are the most credible of its kind with the potential to unlock more mysteries of this legendary creature.


Hosted by Ray Tarara

Written & Produced by R.J. Blake and Ray Tarara

Theme Music by Terra Monk

Special guests: 

Ron Morehead -

Dr. Jeff Meldrum - The Relic Hominoid Inquiry

Scott Nelson - Bigfoot Language

Joe Hauser - Montana Vortex

Mark Beuxchamp

Gilbert Moore

Additional music by: 

Sergey Cheremisinov

Kevin Hartnell

Kai Engle

Ghost Stories Incorporated

Serge Quadrado



“Voices in the Wilderness: A True Story” Author: Ron Morehead - Book

Quantum Bigfoot: Bringing Science and Spirituality Together” Author: Ron Morehead - Book

”Bigfoot” Author: Al Berry - Book

”Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science” Author: Jeff Meldrum - Book

Where the Footprints End: High Strangeness and the Bigfoot Phenomenon” Author: Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner - Book

The Relict Hominoid Inquiry - Author: Ronald Cosper - Language in Higher Primates

YouTube - Sasquatch Language and Communication

Record Spotlight - Author: Marc Beauchamp - A Former Record Spotlight taped “Bigfoot”

YouTube - The “Making” of the Sierra Sounds! Al Berry Shows Us How It Was Done!

Scientific American - Author: Karen Stollznow - (Big)foot in Mouth: Bigfoot Language

“Language Myths, Mysteries and Magic” Author: Karen Stollznow - Book

“Pseudoscience and Deception: The Smoke and Mirrors of Paranormal Claims” Author: Bryan Farha - Book

Distinctly Montana - Author: Joseph Shelton - Ever heard the “Samurai Sounds,” a Supposedly Real Recording of Bigfoot(s)?

Film - Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science