Something truly strange is going on at the Overtoun Bridge in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland: nobody knows why dogs keep flinging themselves off the large bridge that reaches from Overtoun House. Is there something in the foliage around the castle or could the sins of past owners be haunting the land?


Hosted by Ray Tarara

Written & Produced by R.J. Blake and Ray Tarara

Theme Music by Terra Monk

Special guests: 

Paul Owens - Paul Owens.org

Dr. David Sands - The Animal Behavioral Clinic

Ian Fisher

Additional music by: 

Sergey Cheremisinov

Kai Engle

Ghost Stories Incorporated

Serge Quadrado



“The Baron of Rainbow Bridge” Author: Paul Owens - Book

West Dunbartonshire Council - Website

‘Dog Suicide Bridge’: Why do so many pets keep leaping into a Scottish gorge? - Writer: Ceylan Yeginsu - Article

100 Years On - Keir Hardie, the journalist - Writer: Blaire McDougall - Article

Working in it, through it, and among it all day. Chrome Dust at J & J White of Rutherglen, 1893-1967 - Writer: Dr. David Walker - Scottish Labour History Journal

Mystery Girl: The Dog Suicide Bridge - Vice - Documentary

US pastor's 'Victorian mission' worries Scots - Writer: Kristy Scott - Article

‘Everyone knows chemical factory was harming health’ - Writer: Kristy Scott - Article